We pray that you are doing well as you transition back into your routine and everyday surroundings and have been able to take time to reflect on our mission trip, what God has taught you through it, and what you have learned about yourself while serving others (or others blessing you), and how you can and will apply it to your life and grow from it.
On Sunday, February 9, Roxanne will present a brief ministry update from our trip. After the service, we will have a team debrief/potluck. The debrief is a time for everyone to share highlights, lessons learned, things that went well, and things we could do better. Please answer the questions below in your reply. This will help Roxanne with her presentation and help us plan future missions.
- What is one highlight that you would want to share with others?
- Did the mission meet your expectations? If so, in what concrete ways? If not, how?
- Was your preparation (individual and team) helpful? Any suggestions for improvements?
- Were the team meetings helpful in preparing before? Did you attend each one?
- Would you recommend a short-term mission to someone else? Why or why not?
- How could the mission be improved?
- Were there experiences that gave you a new lens through which to view life?
- Were you given opportunities to minister to your team, hosts, and/or nationals?
- How did others bless you?
- Rate your efforts to learn the local language. How did it affect your experience?
- Would you consider another short-term mission? Why or why not?
You may be more overwhelmed or tired than before we left our mission. Ensure you rest physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. On Tuesday, I learned firsthand that I jumped into my routine too soon, and I required a lot more physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rest.
"For thus the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, has said,
'In repentance and rest you will be saved,
In quietness and trust is your strength.'"
Isaiah 30:15